
发布日期:2024-05-09 来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:创始人


Mengyin, the top breeding county for long haired rabbits in China


The breeding of long haired rabbits has a history of over 50 years in Mengyin County, Shandong Province, and has always played a crucial role in the county's economic development.


Jiang Qianyun, Director of the Animal Husbandry Bureau of Mengyin County, introduced that the county was named "Hometown of Chinese Long haired Rabbits" by the National Rabbit Breeding Committee in 1999. In recent years, the county party committee and government have attached great importance to the development of long haired rabbits. The annual breeding volume of long haired rabbits has remained stable at 6 million, with an annual output of 4000 tons of rabbit hair, accounting for more than 30% of the total production in the country. It has become the true number one rabbit breeding county in the country.


Ecological cycle brings both fame and fortune to Badayu Village


In recent years, with the continuous expansion of animal husbandry scale, prominent problems such as shortage of feed materials and conflicts between humans and animals over food have emerged, making the advantages of the long haired rabbit industry increasingly apparent. Mengyin County is based on the actual situation in mountainous areas, with ecology as the theme, vigorously developing characteristic and efficient industries, and forming an ecological rabbit farming industry with Mengyin characteristics.


The courtyard circular economy model represented by Badayu Village is a model of ecological aquaculture. Zhong Li, the head of the Animal Husbandry Station of Mengyin County Animal Husbandry Bureau, introduced that the breeding characteristics of Badayu Village can be summarized in one sentence, which is "houses in the garden, forests in the village, a peach orchard with one house, and a circle of rabbit houses as walls.". It is understood that the orchard area of the village has reached 1500 acres, with an average of 3.6 acres per person. If such a huge fruit industry completely uses chemical fertilizers, it will have a significant impact on the ecological environment.


Based on the advantages of mountainous resources, Badayu Village innovatively combines the breeding of long haired rabbits with "biogas engineering" and the cultivation of pollution-free fruits, forming a virtuous cycle system. Rabbit manure is used as the fermentation raw material for biogas, and the produced biogas can be used for cooking, lighting, and biogas slurry and residue are used as fertilizers for fruits. Rabbit manure is an efficient and high-quality organic fertilizer. By biochemical treatment of rabbit manure, it becomes organic fertilizer. Firstly, it makes the long haired rabbit manure harmless, generating new energy and resources, and reducing the environmental pollution caused by rabbit farming. The second is to provide fertilizer sources for the production of pollution-free fruits in the village, reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer applied, and become a green and pollution-free fruit production base in the county, driving the development of pollution-free forestry and fruit industry in the entire village. At present, the annual per capita net income of the entire village is 11000 yuan, including more than 20 households with an annual income of over 500000 yuan and more than 40 households with an annual income of over 100000 yuan.


Driven by Badayu Village, surrounding villages such as Liujiayu, Wanjiagou, Pingzi, Dongdayao, Shantou, and Lushan have all embarked on the path of prosperity through the development of farmer's estates. This ecological rabbit farming model is also known as the "Badayu Circular Agriculture Model".


Not seeking profit


5-year breeding is only aimed at increasing the yield of "one or two" cashmere


Good breeds are the key to the development of the long haired rabbit industry, and cultivating excellent long haired rabbit breeds with local characteristics is also an important foundation for the sustained and efficient development of the long haired rabbit industry. Mengyin County fully utilizes the existing resources of long haired rabbit breeds, adopts modern livestock breeding theories and biotechnology, cultivates new varieties and strains of long haired rabbits that meet the needs of rabbit production and product markets in the new century, reduces dependence on foreign high-quality varieties, and meets the needs of the county's long haired rabbit breeding system construction. Jiang Qianyun introduced, "We have signed a new breed breeding contract for Yimeng long haired rabbits with experts from the National Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resources Management Committee, the Technical Committee of the China Rabbit Industry Technology Innovation Strategy Alliance, and Professor Fan Xinzhong from Shandong Agricultural University. The focus is on cultivating new breeds of Yimeng or Lu style long haired rabbits with high reproductive efficiency, fast growth speed, strong adaptability, and high cashmere production."



How to improve the yield and quality of long haired rabbits is also a concern for breeders. The practice of the literati association of farmers in Badayu Village fully confirms this point. The literati association has more than 20 years of experience in raising rabbits. He pointed to a row of rabbit cages at home and introduced, "In order to improve the wool production of long haired rabbits, I specifically made hybrid improvements. This row is the hybrid improved rabbit," he said as he grabbed a rabbit from the cage. "This is the second generation, and the characteristics are not very obvious. The next one is the third generation, and the wool production has already increased. The fourth and fifth generation rabbits have significantly improved wool production." The author saw that compared with ordinary long haired rabbits, the improved rabbits have significantly more fur and a great feel.


Zhong Li was surprised by this and said, "I only casually mentioned an improvement to him before. I never expected him to be able to devote 5 years to it. This also means that he has given up a lot of benefits and has his own professional pursuit."


I won't make any money this year,


The profit is only 150000 yuan


At the Tuwang Changmao Rabbit Breeding Farm in Mengyin County, rabbit houses are neatly arranged on both sides of the road. The owner of the farm, Xue Li, warmly greeted someone who came to visit and said, "It's too hot. Come in and take a break to eat some fruit."


The author has learned that this breeding farm was founded by Xue Li and his wife. Currently, there are over 10000 rabbits in stock and 7 workers are hired to help. When it comes to the breeding situation for the whole year last year, Xue Li smiled and said, "The market was not very good last year, and we didn't make much money." The author asked, "Did we lose money?" "We didn't lose money either, but we didn't make much, only about 1.5 million yuan."


I made 1.5 million yuan but still said I didn't make any money. This also indirectly proves the prosperity of breeding long haired rabbits in Mengyin County. The more than 50 year history of rabbit breeding indicates that rabbit breeding has a deep public foundation in the local area, and the concept of breeding rabbits to become prosperous has deeply rooted in people's hearts.


Zhong Li introduced that when the superior department comes to conduct research, they often consult with the number of rabbit farmers in Mengyin County. "We often cannot answer this question. If we want to answer this question, we must further refine it. We can only tell them how many rabbit farms with a stock of over 100000, how many with a stock of over 10000, and how many with a stock of over 1000." The main difficulty in accurately answering is this last one, "The number of rabbit farms with a stock of less than 1000. Ordinary farmers can easily raise 1000 long haired rabbits in a rabbit house at home, making it easy to get rich."


Industrial integration into long haired rabbits


Opening up more avenues


Jiang Qianyun introduced that after 2003, due to textile bottlenecks and the influence of the international market, the price of rabbit hair has been declining. In 2007, the price of rabbit hair dropped to 40 yuan/jin, below the critical point of breeding profit and loss (45 yuan/jin). The national inventory of long haired rabbits decreased by 50%, and two-thirds of the long haired rabbits in Mengyin County were eliminated.


In order to achieve the integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries of Changmao Rabbit, Mengyin County has also made many efforts, creating specialized platforms and emerging batches of innovative talents.


In terms of system construction and platform building, Mengyin County has issued the Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a Modern Rabbit Industry System, highlighting the construction of a modern rabbit industry system with reasonable layout, complete functions, complete chains, and distinctive features. Firstly, actively do a good job in attracting investment in the rabbit industry, establish an intensive industrial consortium that integrates rabbit hair trading, rabbit wool, yarn, fabric and clothing production, and gradually improve the main industrial chain. Second, do a good job in the integrated development of animal husbandry "Internet plus". Build a networked operation system for rabbit velvet logistics, information flow, and capital flow. The third is to build a price index information platform, standardize industry order, and the Price Bureau and Shandong University of Finance and Economics have established a long haired rabbit price index information platform to form a rabbit hair price index, grasp the latest market trends, formulate sales benchmark prices for rabbit hair and its products, avoid malicious competition, and regulate production and sales order.


In terms of talent development, Zhang Yuanbao, a villager from Liujiayu Village in Mengyin Street, is engaged in the processing and installation of rabbit cage equipment while developing the breeding of long haired rabbits. His business covers the entire province, as well as provinces and cities such as Henan and Shanxi, with an annual installation of 100000 rabbit houses. Xiao Shuqing, a villager from Wuliqiao Village, Changlu Town, has been engaged in artificial insemination of long haired rabbits for many years. He can supply 300000 sperm annually and has trained more than 80 nearby breeders.


According to preliminary statistics, more than 300 people in the county specialize in feed processing, more than 100 people sell grass feed, more than 200 people purchase rabbit hair, and more than 100 people cut rabbit hair, forming a complete industrial chain that integrates long haired rabbit breeding, breeding, epidemic prevention, rabbit hair purchase, processing, and sales. Rabbit farming has become an important pillar industry of agriculture and rural economy in Mengyin County..

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