
发布日期:2013-12-26 来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin

兔子养殖饲料搅拌技术 层层混合是指一层载体,一层被混合的原料,交替叠放,然后再搅拌,很容易达到均匀一致。倍比稀释是指用被稀释原料的1、2、4、8、16倍量的载体依次去稀释这些原料。例如,用豆粕稀释维生素,一次用与维生素相同量的豆粕层层混合,然后搅拌2~3遍,达到均匀一致;第二次用2倍于维生素的豆粕层层混合.并搅拌2~3遍;第三次用4倍量;第四次用8倍量,直到用完1/6的豆粕。用同样的方法把矿物质、药物等与豆粕混合、稀释。

Rabbit breeding feed mixing layers of hybrid refers to a carrier, a layer of mixed materials, alternately stacked, and then mixing, easy to achieve uniform. Dilution refers to the use of diluted raw material 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 times the amount of the carrier in order to dilute these raw materials. For example, with soybean meal dilution vitamin, first with the same amount of soybean meal mixed with vitamin layers, then stir in 2 ~ 3 times, to achieve uniform; second times with 2 times the vitamin meal mixed and stirred layers. 2 ~ 3 times; third times with 4 times amount; fourth times with 8 times amount, straight to run out of 1/6 of soybean meal. Use the same method to minerals, medicine, and soybean meal mixture dilution.


Then the six mixed with soybean meal material to do layers of mixed. Alternately stacked, place, stirring for 2 ~ 3 times, then added into feed called concentrated feed. Finally, the concentrated feed and corn, wheat bran, straw powder layers stacked alternately, mixing, stirring for 2 ~ 3 times. In this way, the full price of feed is completed, conditional made particles to rabbits.
