
发布日期:2022-02-19 来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin

Problems for novices to raise rabbits:
Raising rabbits can not be done only with enthusiasm, but also with science. For this reason, the first adopters should pay attention to the following issues:
1、 Basic precautions
1. Master basic knowledge and market situation. Raising and exempting rabbits is a kind of knowledge. We should master the basic knowledge of raising rabbits, such as variety, feed, construction of rabbit house and rabbit cage, etc. Under the condition of market economy, what projects to operate should be decided according to the market situation. To prepare for raising rabbits, you should read several rabbit raising books and subscribe to relevant breeding newspapers and periodicals. You can also participate in relevant training courses or visit relevant rabbit farms and markets according to your own conditions and needs.
2. Preparation before breeding. Before the implementation of the rabbit raising plan, rabbit houses and feed should be prepared. This is the truth of the so-called "before soldiers and horses move, food and grass first". Firstly, the location of rabbit farm is particularly important, and the environmental conditions are directly related to the growth and development of rabbits; In addition to using compound feed to raise rabbits, rabbit farmers can also plant grass and raise rabbits according to local conditions.
3. Select and raise excellent varieties. The quality of varieties is related to the success or failure of breeding, especially in rabbit breeding farms. Therefore, special care should be taken when purchasing breeding rabbits. What about pure and miscellaneous varieties? Look at the appearance: each variety has certain variety characteristics. Those that meet the characteristics of the variety are generally considered pure, otherwise they are hybrids; Second, production performance: each variety has certain weight and production performance indicators. Those that meet the standards can be considered pure varieties, otherwise they are hybrids; Three look at parents: for some high generation hybrids, we need to see whether their parents meet the characteristics of the variety.
4. Breeding scale. Farmers should comprehensively consider the breeding scale according to the local market conditions at that time and their own technology, capital, labor, feed and other conditions. Take meat rabbits as an example: 80-100 basic female rabbits should be raised in small rabbit farms, 300-500 in medium-sized rabbit farms, and more than 1000 basic female rabbits can be raised in large rabbit farms; If raising commercial rabbits, the number can be appropriately increased. Do not be divorced from your own reality and blindly pursue the big market.
2、 Correct concept consciousness
1. Meager profit thought. Farmers in rabbit industry should hold the thought of low profit rather than huge profit. It is unrealistic to make a fortune overnight. Because the net profit is the income of breeding minus the cost. The profit of commodity rabbits is not large, and there are unexpected risks such as epidemic diseases. Therefore, only down-to-earth, hard-working and large-scale breeding can achieve benefits.
2. Market awareness. Farmers should have market awareness, not be confused by some illusions, let alone follow the trend of breeding. Because under the condition of market economy, what and how many rabbits to raise should be based on market sales.
3. Quality awareness. Raising rabbits is not only to create a good rabbit house and living environment for rabbits, but also pay attention to feed hygiene and nutrition, but also adhere to seed selection and matching, so that the quality of rabbits can be guaranteed and sold at a high price.
4. Legal concept. As a law-abiding rabbit farmer, you can't hype and cheat with rabbits. That's immoral.
This article is provided by giant Angora rabbit. Our website is: http://www.myxinhua.com/ We will provide you with services with wholehearted enthusiasm. Welcome to visit