
发布日期:2023-10-16 来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin

(一)环境温度过高 妊娠期饲养室温度、湿度过高,特别是温度超出了临界温度时,长毛兔母兔抵抗力下降,出现化胎现象。
(1) When the environmental temperature is too high and the temperature and humidity in the breeding room during pregnancy are too high, especially when the temperature exceeds the critical temperature, the resistance of long haired rabbits decreases and the phenomenon of embryo formation occurs.
(二)长毛兔母兔消瘦 长毛兔母兔消瘦体质弱,子宫黏膜薄,营养不足,胚胎着床后因营养供给不是而导致化胎。
(2) Long haired rabbit mother rabbit is emaciated, with weak physique, thin uterine mucosa, and insufficient nutrition. After embryo implantation, due to insufficient nutrition supply, it leads to embryo metaplasia.
(三)受精卵生命力弱 生命力较弱的精、卵结合后,胚胎发育到一定阶段就终止发育。在生产中年公兔配老年母兔、青年公兔配老年母兔、老年公兔配青年母兔、青年公兔配青年母兔等,都容易出现化胎性空怀。
(3) After the fertilized egg has weak vitality and the sperm and egg combine, the embryo development ends at a certain stage. In the production of middle-aged male rabbits paired with old female rabbits, young male rabbits paired with old female rabbits, old male rabbits paired with young female rabbits, young male rabbits paired with young female rabbits, etc., it is easy to experience fetal emptiness.
(四)生殖道器质性病变 长毛兔母兔妊娠期子宫,阴道发生炎性病变,危及子宫黏膜,出现化胎现象。
(4) Organic lesions of the reproductive tract occur in the uterus and vagina of long haired rabbits during pregnancy, posing a threat to the uterine mucosa and leading to the phenomenon of metaplasia.
(五)妊娠期饲发霉变质饲料 有些饲养场给妊娠母兔饲喂发霉变质的饲料、草粉等,引起母兔腹泻,导致体质下降而出现化胎。
(5) Feeding moldy and spoiled feed during pregnancy. Some farms feed pregnant female rabbits with moldy and spoiled feed, grass powder, etc., which causes diarrhea in the female rabbits and leads to a decrease in physical fitness, leading to the occurrence of miscarriage.
(六)饲料中长期缺乏与生育有关的维生素 饲养时常年不喂青绿饲料,以干草粉补充纤维时又不重视补充维生素,特别是不重视补充维生素A、维生素E、维生紊B1,等及微量元素,导致化胎。
(6) Long term lack of vitamins related to fertility in feed often results in the failure to feed green feed every year. When supplementing fiber with hay powder, it is not important to supplement vitamins, especially vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B1, and trace elements, leading to miscarriage.
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